Location and Time
The ISMS Doctoral Consortium precedes the ISMS Marketing Science Conference. It will be on June 7, 2017 in Fertitta Hall at the University of Southern California.
The consortium is an annual event for doctoral students from universities around the world. The goal is to advance doctoral fellows’ intellectual and professional development by offering a program that features both plenary and breakout sessions as well as opportunities for professional dialogue and social networking among faculty and other fellows.
Only students who have registered for the 2017 ISMS Marketing Science Conference may attend the Doctoral Consortium.
The Doctoral Consortium is open only to students who have been nominated by their home institution. Accepted nominees will receive an invitation to register for the Consortium from the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.
To attend the Consortium, accepted nominees must register and pay the $149 Consortium fee. Students participating in the doctoral consortium must also register for the conference and pay the student conference fee.
A school may nominate up to two students for the ISMS Doctoral Consortium. Nominations can be made by any faculty member at the school. Nominations should be emailed by the nominating faculty to Olivier Toubia (ot2107@columbia.edu), ISMS VP Education. Nominations are due by May 1st, 2017.
Please include the following information in all nominations.
- Name, School and Email address of nominating faculty member.
- Name, Email address and Expected Graduation Date of nominated student.
- Has the student attended previous ISMS doctoral consortia?
- A brief statement of support for the student’s nomination.
Download the Detailed Program (PDF format)
For questions about the program or technology please contact Ellen.Tralongo@INFORMS.org
By telephone: 1-800-4INFORMS or 1-443-757-3500 ext. 592.
Be sure to spell your last name and leave your phone number and message very clearly.